Friday, June 8, 2007

Trailer park drama, the saga continues...

Once again, Mario Andretti down the street has wreaked havoc on our quiet mobile home community. This time they shut down one of the entrances to our park. The owner of V.I.P. Limousine Co. owns a building and the road its on (which is also our entrance), and is tired of speeders. He has placed two speed bumps within 30 ft. of each other in front of his building that we have to drive on. That wasn't good enough. One day my parents were coming over to visit and were redirected to the other park entrance. My Mom was driving her Chevy Tahoe (which to me doesn't resemble a Ford pickup)and the V.I.P guy stopped her and yelled at her for speeding through the park and she explained to him that she was only visiting me and that it wasn't her. Soon after, Jake was on his way from work and took that route and he stopped to visit with the owner of the road. The guy told Jake that he was tired of that lady speeding there and shut down the road. He is apparently very angry with her because there was even talk of a protection order against her. So you see, I am not crazy. She is an imbecile and needs to be stopped. STOP THE INSANITY!!!!!

1 comment:

A mom said...

Can you say Psycho? Restraining order, really? Andretti must be stopped!!

Save the drama for drama sissy momma's mommma!