Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Scaling Down

I have lost 7 pounds since I have been going to Curves. I can only attribute some of the weight loss to them and some to the fact that I was very ill on Sunday/Monday. Still, I am ecstatic that I shouldn't have to keep buying larger and larger jeans. Yeah ME!

The boys had their 2 yr. old and 2 mo. old check ups on Monday. Samuel is in the 90th percentile for his height and weight and the Dr. said he looks good. Nathaniel is in the 90th for his length but over 90th for his weight. He is a large boy. He is at 15.6 lbs. and only 8 weeks old. I must be doing something right (I breastfeed). Doc also said he is right on target. I love to hear that. They both got shots, Sam only one, but poor Nathan got three and was a little cranky the last couple of days. Poor little man and thank God for Tylenol. I wish I could have taken them for him so he didn't hurt. Maybe next time...


A mom said...

Way to go! You can do it. You can do it all night long.

ps-Rodrigo's punta es muy grande y queso. Besa mi coolo RrrrrodrrrriGAY!

Kerrie said...

YEA FOR YOU!!! Awesome on the weightloss AND for nursing. You rock!