Friday, April 13, 2007

No weezing the SALT!

I went to my weekly doctor's appointment on Wednesday, and she said I am between a 1 and a 2. Yeah me. Physically I am so ready to have this baby, however I am not prepared in most other ways. Jake's dad is still hanging on, and all of the family is pretty much staying with him in hospice, so we haven't finished the baby's room or went through baby clothes, or anything. When I get off work, I pick up Sam from daycare, (which is 20 mi. from home but totally worth the drive) go to hospice for a little bit and then it is Sam's bedtime so we go home, and we both try to catch some zzz's. Although it doesn't sound like much, it is pretty exhausting. How am I going to function with double the workload? No wonder mom's are crazy. It's hard for me to understand how the generations before me had 5 or more children and still liked each other without straight jackets, and chronic alcoholism.

Word of caution to all pregnant women: Do NOT eat a whole bag of sunflower seeds and expect your ankles not be the size of grapefruits. It was just plain ridiculous. I could grab my ankles and my handprint was still there five minutes later. Way to go Einstein.


The Arnold's said...

Well, I'll be there next week and will help where you need it. I'm sorry this is such a tough time for you:(.
A whole bag of sunflower seeds! I'm not even pregnant and my ankles would swell up! Not to mention what all that salt does for someone who is already not getting enough water....hint, hint.....! Oh, sister dear! :) I love you! I can just see you with grapefruits for ankles! LOL! See you next week!

A mom said...

I think they were closet drinkers. They also had those huge insane asylums. I think our ancestors told a few fibs.

I do jumping jacks.
-arthur powers