Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Counting Down

Have you ever heard Arnold Schwarzenegger in his movies yell, "Get Out! Grab My Hand!"? Well, that's how I feel today. Get this baby out of me. I know once they come out you can't put them back in, but I am ready. I think. Don't get me wrong, I love the waddling, constantly pulling up your pants, peeing every 15 minutes, and the sudden change of moods, but I think I am ready for my precious son to be here.
I am curious to know who he looks like, Jake or me. Samuel looks nothing like me, he is all Jake, so I wonder if this one will resemble me at all either. Either way he will be a handsome little man, because I am his mommy and I said so. I went through baby clothes finally on Sunday, and I forgot how tiny the outfits are. Poor Jake had to listen to me ooh and aah over them and I know he wanted to run away. I'm sure he was thinking "Pick a mood, woman".

This paragraph is dedicated to my sister.

Alright, alright, you have talked me out of it. Jake and I have decided to name our son (drumroll please) -- Felix Giuseppe Richard Nixon Haar. We will call him Clementine for short.

Please do not be offended if I do not tell you the name of my unborn son. I would like something to be a surprise and it is my choice not to tell. I do not tell you what is inside your Christmas presents before you open them, so do not get upset about the name thing and try to guilt me out of it. Patience is a virtue, and you will know soon enough. (The sooner the better! Say it with me, the sooner the better, the sooner the better, the sooner the better...)

Now that I have polished off an entire bag of powdered doughnuts, I will sign off. If you don't hear from me in a while, it's because our little boy has arrived. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

A mom said...

GOOD LUCK!!!!! I cant beleive he will be here soon. May be he, is really a she. Then you will have to call her something else for short. If it is a boy, you could call him Miah for short, and if it is a girl, you could name her Miah, for long. I know you will make the right decision, and choose my name properly.

I am so excited!!! I hope he looks like his beautiful mother, but even if he doesn't, he will still be handsome. After all, he is your son. Love ya!!!