Friday, July 27, 2007

I know you missed me...

Well, I haven't been very good at updating because we have been very busy at work. I don't have very much blog-time. So many things have gone on since my last entry, but we will start with Sam.

If you have two children, and the baby is hungry, please heed my warning: DO NOT leave your two year old alone with corn. He will find somewhere to insert it, a nose for instance. There was so much corn in there that I thought he planted some up there (9 pieces I think I counted). Did I forget to mention the spaghetti that came out too? I couldn't help but laugh, but it was still a little scary. I have heard the horror stories about the kid who put a bean up there and it started to grow, etc... That was last week, so on Sunday when he started getting green boogies, I panicked. My child has corn in his brain and it's going to grow!!! We got to the doctor on Monday and thankfully there was no corn lodged up there. Maybe the planting season is over. The weather is not ideal for growing in the nose, who knows. Anyway, she then informed me that my son has allergies. Wonderful. She suggested Claritin everyday for two weeks, and if that doesn't help, come back for some more stuff. So far it doesn't seem to be working. When I pick him up from daycare, his nose is raw from all of the blowing. Poor guy. If anybody has any sugestions for something that might actually work, let me know. I will try just about anything if it means relief for my little guy.

Now on to Nathaniel. He is growing like crazy. He is already into 9 mo. outfits already and only 13 weeks old. Mommy's little giant. We used to call him Peanut, but now it's Meatball. He is solid though, and doesn't look too much like the Michelin Man. He is still a handsome little devil with my dimples, and a smile that could melt anyones heart. I am blessed once again.

Now it's my turn. Every month at Curves you are to be measured and weighed. This month I have lost 4.5 lbs. and 6.25 inches. Two of those inches don't count because it was in my boobs, and I had just fed Nathaniel. But still, 4.25 inches! Yeah ME! A step in the right direction.


The Arnold's said...

Well, the only thing I know of for allergies, and I am not sure Sam is allowed to have it yet is, raw local honey. I have even heard of people eating the honeycomb to help with allergies. I am not sure what it exactly does but there you have it. Poor guy.
It was good to finally have an update. Keep up the good work! Love ya!

Kerrie said...

Good job on actually GOING to Curves. The weight loss is an added bonus. :)

We tried Claritin for Nathan (age 5), but Benadril works much better. It comes in a chewable too.

A mom said...

Wow! Thats great! I wish I could join you. I wonder if curves is still open here in town?

Sam, I have heard of picking a winner and a nugget, but never corn out of that thing. Corn? I don't remember sniffing corn? And speghetti? I think I peed my pants a bit. Sorry, I do know my day is coming.