Thursday, May 31, 2007

Found a Peanut

I'm ba-ack... Our new little boy has finally arrived. Well, actually 5 weeks ago today. Nathaniel Dale Haar (I call him Peanut) arrived on April 25th, 2007 at 10:01 p.m. He was 8lbs. 6oz. and 21 1/2 in. long and cute as a button. I had an appointment that morning, and because it was my due date, they did an ultrasound and found low amniotic fluid. Then they did a NST (non-stress test) to see if little man was o.k., but his heart rate was a little sporadic and going pretty low at times, so with that combination of things, my doctor said, "I am not going to call an ambulance for you, but get in your van and get to the hospital right now." He was supposed to be born at Sanford (formerly known as Sioux Valley) but since my doctors office is right across the street from McKennen and that's who she is associated with, so that's where Nathaniel arrived. I didn't really want to deliver there, but baby comes first. However I can honestly say that we had the best nurses on the planet there. So if somehow, someway that you read this Misty and Lori, my hats are off to you, and thank you for the absolutely terrific job that you do!
I forgot what having a new baby entails. Especially with a two-year old. Wow! Here comes the jealousy. Samuel is good with his brother, always wanting to be helpful, but sometimes he doesn't like his pacifier crammed into his mouth while he is sleeping. Some other things he doesn't like: big plastic trucks in the swing with him, fingers inserted into his eyes, ears and/or other orifices, shoes on feet or head, and rocking in the car seat at carnival ride speed. It is hard to explain to him, especially since he isn't getting 100% of my attention anymore. What a traumatic change for him. Being two is hard.
The schedule is another fun thing to try and manage, even more since I went back to work. Here is a sample of my day:
5:45 a.m. - Alarm goes off, hit snooze.
5:50 a.m. - Alarm goes off, hit snooze again.
5:55 a.m. - Alarm irritating now, get up, realize the time and get stressed out because I have to shower fast now.
6:05 a.m. - Wake up Nathaniel to see if he will eat. (I breastfeed, so no propping the bottle while I get ready.) Dig frantically for clothes that fit since he is growing like I gave him Miracle-Gro. Find clothes, change diaper, and dress baby. Check to see if he is hungry yet. No dice.
6:20 a.m. - Attempt to style hair. Apply makeup. Look in mirror and see and old hag. Want to break mirror. Find clothes that fit my post-baby body. Get depressed and wish to be 19 again. Hold back tears.
6:30 a.m. - Turn on Samuel's light and look at him with much love, so peaceful and cute.
6:31 a.m. - Attempt to wake sleeping beauty and get groaned at. Get him out of crib and pick out clothes. Much whining. These pajamas are his favorite pajamas in the whole wide world, and come hell or high water, they are not coming off. What was I thinking.
6:39 a.m. - Have removed beloved pajamas and am attempting diaper. Success! Samuel will be dressed now.
6:43 a.m. - Nathaniel awake and hungry now. Sit down for feeding.
7:00 a.m. - Must leave house now, but have to pack milk, strap baby in, Samuel's shoes are not on, my shoes are not on...
7:05 a.m. - Grab diaper bag, purse, electric pump, car seat w/baby and Samuel. O.K. we are ready to go. Crap, where's my keys. Put everything down and dig for keys at bottom of purse. Find them and load up again.
7:11 a.m. - Strap Samuel and Nathan in, throw everything into van, strap myself in, and we're off!
7:30 a.m. - Arrive in Worthing to daycare. Unbuckle Samuel and chase him around the driveway to get him inside. Grab Nathan, diaper bag and head inside where all of the sudden Samuel thinks that I am leaving and never coming back. Console him and coax him into eating breakfast. Place Nathaniel on table, visit with Brenda for a minute or two and then head off to work. Aah, work. Now I can relax?

Here is Samuel holding his new little baby brother. That is what he calls him, "Brother".

I hope his father dressed him.


A mom said...

Yay!!! Now I can get my fix again! I hope your peanut does not turn out to be rotten causing a tummy ache.

That outfit that Sam has on looks simular to something the doggy dermatolgist once put on my dog. MMMM, interesting.

The Arnold's said...

Nathaniel is getting so big!! I wish I was there to see him more! Sam is such a little ham!! Hope y'all are doing well!

Anonymous said...

sam and nate are precious little nephews so everyone else stay away...grrrrr... :) haha, this is erika by the way. kewl, i finally found your blog paula.