Friday, March 16, 2007

Trailer Park Drama

Hi everyone!
This is my inaugural post, so I hope you enjoy. I don't really have a clue as to what I am doing since I have fallen behind in computer technology in my old age. I can remember when I was in school and working on the old Apple II computers. Black screens with green writing. Yikes! Anyway, I never really had any reason to start a blog except that my best friend Miah has one and in order for me to publish a comment, I had to sign up. Well, you know me, I can't keep my mouth shut, so here I am! I hope that someday I will learn how to add pictures so you guys can have something to look at besides my rambling.

This morning in my trailer park (this already sounds intriguing) there was a lady (if one should so like to call her that) following me a little too close for comfort. I decided to wave her around me, but she must have mistaken this signal for "Please get closer". Being the safe, courteous driver that I am (right Miah?) I applied my brakes hoping she would get the hint and back off a little bit. This too was to no avail. She was now so close I couldn't even see her headlights (she was in a truck and I was in a go-go mini-van or the death van as Miah calls it). So now I am extremely pissed off and put my van in park and get out. I ask her if there is a reason why she is on my bumper and she says something that I don't hear, and then I tell her that I am going to call in her license plates, and she replies "Go ahead, you SISSY!" I can't believe it. I have been called many things in my life, but never ever a sissy. So I did what every sissy would do, I called the cops. So here's to you angry trailer park lady - Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah I'm gonna te-ll !


A mom said...

I am so happy you started a blog. Now I can get my Aluap fix frequently. And don't worry about the picture thing. You will figure it out. You have gotten this far.

I am amazed that the woman tailing you was not affraid of the Death Van! I am even more amazed that she could keep up with the Death van! You so crack me up. I can absoulutely see you doing that. I think I am going to start calling you the "Drama Sissy Momma", at least until you give birth, and do not have any more raging hormones. Ha! Ha!

Hope things get better in the Court. Love you woman, and keep on posting! See you Sunday!

Kerrie said...

Hi Paula~
Miah told me about this and it cracked me up!!!

...Drama Sissy Momma - very funny!!!