Friday, March 30, 2007

Showin' off the family unit

The Beckley family unit.
L-R: sister Erika, brother-in-law Bob, sister Jenette, sweetheart Jake, me
Dad, Mom, and Samuel

Are we considered hillbillies if we tie the dog to the sled?

My son is a genius.

In the future, this picture will be used strictly for blackmail purposes only.

He is truly the love of my life.


vex: to irritate, to annoy vex: to irritate, to annoy vex: to irritate, to annoy vex: to irritate, to annoy vex: to irritate, to annoy vex: to irritate, to annoy vex: to irritate, to annoy vex: to irritate, to annoy vex: to irritate, to annoy vex: to irritate, to annoy

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Rainy Day Reading

This is a picture of a guy.

Today is a boring day. Just sitting around at work exploring the internet and all of the wonderful crap that I can entertain myself with. YEAH TOAST! I went to the doctor yesterday, as we are on a week-to-week basis now, and she said that I am at 1 cm. Only 4 weeks to go! I am totally NOT prepared.

We (mainly Jake) are finished with Sam's new bedroom, paint and all. Now all that we need to do is add Sam and decide if we would rather use a toddler bed or stick with the crib. Jake and I are still having a few problems getting Sam to bed, and he will be outgrowing his crib very soon. That is mostly my fault because I was a "lazy" aka exhausted, nursing mom and just threw him in bed with me and fed him, and he stayed until morning. That went on for about a year, until I realized that the longer that went on, the harder it would be on both of us. Now he plays in his crib for about an hour at bedtime and doesn't cry too much, but I don't think I can trust him to sleep in a "big boy" bed yet. I just have a feeling that I would wake up with his face in mine, and we would scare each other. That wouldn't be so bad for me, because he's so cute, but I wouldn't want him to be scarred for life.

We had to take Arthur to the vet last week because we let him run on concrete and since he has become a city slicker, the pads on his feet were not conditioned for the tough terrain. The vet prescribed him some antibiotics, wrapped his feet, and gave him a cone to wear. Poor Arthur, limping and sporting a lampshade with a two year old bully. Life's rough.

May the schwartz be with you.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Trailer Park Drama

Hi everyone!
This is my inaugural post, so I hope you enjoy. I don't really have a clue as to what I am doing since I have fallen behind in computer technology in my old age. I can remember when I was in school and working on the old Apple II computers. Black screens with green writing. Yikes! Anyway, I never really had any reason to start a blog except that my best friend Miah has one and in order for me to publish a comment, I had to sign up. Well, you know me, I can't keep my mouth shut, so here I am! I hope that someday I will learn how to add pictures so you guys can have something to look at besides my rambling.

This morning in my trailer park (this already sounds intriguing) there was a lady (if one should so like to call her that) following me a little too close for comfort. I decided to wave her around me, but she must have mistaken this signal for "Please get closer". Being the safe, courteous driver that I am (right Miah?) I applied my brakes hoping she would get the hint and back off a little bit. This too was to no avail. She was now so close I couldn't even see her headlights (she was in a truck and I was in a go-go mini-van or the death van as Miah calls it). So now I am extremely pissed off and put my van in park and get out. I ask her if there is a reason why she is on my bumper and she says something that I don't hear, and then I tell her that I am going to call in her license plates, and she replies "Go ahead, you SISSY!" I can't believe it. I have been called many things in my life, but never ever a sissy. So I did what every sissy would do, I called the cops. So here's to you angry trailer park lady - Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah I'm gonna te-ll !